VexxBlack on DeviantArt

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Snakey ref



Beh, couldn't think of another title.

Okay so, this is my own personal persona, or Snakeysona if you will~
Its mainly for SSP purposes, but still its nice to have a character to call your own. Plus I like snakes. Was born under the year after all~
Gotta thank SleeplessTotodile for some of his help in the design! 

And don't worry, he's not replacing Vexx or anything if you're wondering. Don't plan to get rid of any characters even if they are basically the same ;3
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UltimaWeapons's avatar
"Plus I like snakes. Was born under the year after all"

Even your western sign (Aries) is true. Like how I described Vexx back then, & that's also why I respect him. Courage, something that I (at least I think I do) lack at times. 

I mean, it's obvious that Vexx the Bulbasaur's basically you as a pokemon, isn't it? ,: )